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Your investment in Miller Center has a tremendous impact on those living in poverty around the world. It’s a transformative gift that can help millions of people in underserved communities.
At Miller Center, we believe in building a more humane, just, and sustainable world. From Nepal to New York, we’ve helped hundreds of social entrepreneurs who have collectively impacted the lives of millions.
Our work depends on the generosity of people like you. Contributing to Miller Center helps to transform lives through social entrepreneurship. Your investment can:
1. Provide training to a social entrepreneur through the Global Social Benefit Institute (GSBI®)
“One of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had is seeing firsthand the type of impact that you can have when you change the life of someone. This is what is unique and powerful about the GSBI.” - Fermin Reygadas, Co-Founder/Executive Director, Cántaro Azul, GSBI Alumni 2016
2. Bring a transformative education experience to a Santa Clara University student through the Global Social Benefit Fellowship
“The Global Social Benefit Fellowship was without a doubt the most transformative experience I’ve ever had in my life; not just my college career.” – Ashraf Hammad, ’17, Miller Center Global Social Benefit Fellow
Invest in Miller Center and impact millions of lives across the globe!