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Health Professions and Peer Advising Programs

Support the Next Generation

 of Healthcare Professionals

Our new Health Professions and Peer Advising (HPPA) Program creates an inclusive community that supports professional development and vocational discernment for pre-health students through comprehensive advising resources, personalized advising and mentorship, empowering the next generation of healthcare providers. We have built a novel and robust advising and mentorship system utilizing 12 of our highly successful pre-health students as peer advisors and executive board members. 

The Health Professions and Peer Advising (HPPA) Program provides:

  • Accessible and first-class advising resources through our Health Professions Advising course, including professional testing resources and health professions program information and application support.
  • Individual advising appointments
  • Professional workshops to support all of our amazing pre-health students succeed in their chosen health profession.
  • Peer support, guidance, and encouragement needed to tackle the challenges related to preparations for health careers
  • Experiential opportunities through collaborations with local healthcare organizations
  • Certification training such as our new on-campus EMT class, offered through a collaboration with Mission College

Your funds will help support our campus informational programming, community building, and future on-campus pre-health conferences. These resources will help build a supportive pre-health community and equip SCU pre-health students with the necessary knowledge and connections to succeed in their healthcare career aspirations. 

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Rank State Gifts
1 WA 3
1 CA 3
3 NV 1
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