Our Day of Giving may be over, but please click here to still support SCU.
Biomedical Engineering Society

Helping Students Explore Biomedical Engineering While Building Community

The Biomedical Engineering Society at SCU is dedicated to exposing students to careers within the biomedical industry and building community with others passionate about the field. We aim to teach students about the wide range of opportunities within the field through industry speakers and networking events. Mentorship programs between class years help to integrate new students into the community, with social events designed to promote further bonding. Our projects program allow underclassmen to apply skills learned in the classroom to a variety of both theoretical and real world projects.

We plan to use Day of Giving funding for our projects program so that we can offer more real world applications to students and expand our mentorship program.

Bronco Support in the U.S. & Around the World
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 1
2 AA 0
2 AE 0
Total Dollars Raised
Help your favorite unit climb the Total Dollars Raised Leaderboard!
Rank Department Raised
1 Athletics $2,020,494.70
2 Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship $985,350.55
3 School of Engineering $440,410.60
4 Santa Clara Law $332,043.20
5 Ignatian Center for Jesuit Education $275,885.00
Total Number of Gifts
Help your favorite unit climb the Total Number of Gifts Leaderboard!
Rank Department Gifts
1 Athletics 2,042
2 Men's Rugby 435
3 School of Engineering 420
4 College of Arts and Sciences 397
5 Santa Clara Law 360
Student Clubs/Counseling and Psychological Services Challenge
200 gifts were made to student clubs and organizations, unlocking $10k to Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) from the Schaefer Family!
200 / 200 Gifts
Don't forget to share!

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Or you can contact us at giving@scu.edu.