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Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministries

Santa Clara University's Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministries (GPPM) provides an MA and other initiatives to further assist the development of leaders and ministers to serve their parishes and communities. Your donation to the GPPM will provide support for scholarships for our students throughout the various dioceses where we offer our program, as well as for our various initiatives for spiritual and ministerial enrichment. 

"The program helped me see God at work in everything. It pulled back the curtain and opened my eyes and heart."

- Yvonne Moreno-Taylor, Class of 2020

“A remote, cohort-based opportunity to study theology, and ministry practices through a social justice lens was exactly what I was seeking, and the GPPM community at Santa Clara University gave me that opportunity and more. I was asked to ponder how we, as leaders, forge a better, deeper, and more holistic connection to each other, creation, and to ourselves. I’ve learned that seeing the divine in ourselves, and using that to help others, is something leaders should prioritize as we live and work in a very fragmented, and polarized world.”

 -Nathan Sheets, MA ’21

"Over the years, the GPPM has been a community and sanctuary. Out in our everyday jobs and activities, we wear many hats and play many roles. But in GPPM, everyone is a brother or a sister, walking the road to Damascus, to Emmaus, to Jericho, to Jerusalem. We are strengthened and encouraged by each other in the work of discipleship. We are the mystical body of Christ, but it is palpable and tangible.”

- Joanna Thurmann

Bronco Support in the U.S. & Around the World
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 25
2 NY 2
3 MD 1
Total Dollars Raised
Help your favorite unit climb the Total Dollars Raised Leaderboard!
Rank Department Raised
1 Athletics $2,020,494.70
2 Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship $985,350.55
3 School of Engineering $440,410.60
4 Santa Clara Law $332,043.20
5 Ignatian Center for Jesuit Education $275,885.00
Total Number of Gifts
Help your favorite unit climb the Total Number of Gifts Leaderboard!
Rank Department Gifts
1 Athletics 2,042
2 Men's Rugby 435
3 School of Engineering 420
4 College of Arts and Sciences 397
5 Santa Clara Law 360
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