Our Day of Giving may be over, but please click here to still support SCU.
Engineers Without Borders (EWB)

We Apply Technical Knowledge to Solve Pressing Challenges, While Providing Students with Hands-On Project Experience

We have active projects in Nyange, Rwanda and San Jose, California. Students experience the entire project process — from identifying a problem to ideating solutions to implementing the final product. Throughout the academic year, students communicate with the partner community to address their needs, prototype solutions, and iterate and test designs. These projects, though entirely student run, are held to the EWB National model and on-campus faculty reviews. This ensures project sustainability, and reinforces the importance of thorough design practices.

Your contribution on Day of Giving will help us achieve our goal of making the world a better place by directly supporting our current and future projects.

Bronco Support in the U.S. & Around the World
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 3
2 MA 1
2 CO 1
Total Dollars Raised
Help your favorite unit climb the Total Dollars Raised Leaderboard!
Rank Department Raised
1 Athletics $2,020,494.70
2 Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship $985,350.55
3 School of Engineering $440,410.60
4 Santa Clara Law $332,043.20
5 Ignatian Center for Jesuit Education $275,885.00
Total Number of Gifts
Help your favorite unit climb the Total Number of Gifts Leaderboard!
Rank Department Gifts
1 Athletics 2,042
2 Men's Rugby 435
3 School of Engineering 420
4 College of Arts and Sciences 397
5 Santa Clara Law 360
Student Clubs/Counseling and Psychological Services Challenge
200 gifts were made to student clubs and organizations, unlocking $10k to Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) from the Schaefer Family!
200 / 200 Gifts
Don't forget to share!

Questions? See our FAQ.

Or you can contact us at giving@scu.edu.