Katharine & George Alexander Community Law Center

Partner in our Efforts to Educate, Advocate, and Serve!

As we approach our 30th Anniversary, the Katharine & George Alexander Community Law Center remains dedicated to its dual mission: training law students to be life-long social justice advocates and serving the legal needs of the low-income community. Our work promotes stability, security, and peace of mind. Participating in the Law Center’s work allows law students to hone crucial legal skills and challenges them on intellectual, spiritual, and social levels. It fosters empathy, resilience against adversity, and leadership with integrity.

Our team, consisting of attorneys and law students, provides pro bono legal assistance focusing on consumer, immigration, and workers’ rights matters. We employ a comprehensive service delivery model that reaches over 1,000 individuals annually through community outreach, educational programs, advice clinics, and full-case representation.

Go All In for the Katharine & George Alexander Community Law Center and help educate the next generation of law students committed to advocacy and service. Thank you!

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